Data Protection – GDPR

Data Protection – GDPR

Keppel Seghers Belgium

Data protection: Keeping your personal data safe is important to us – GDPR

1. Introduction

This policy provides more information about the acquisition, use, and management of your personal data in the context of your application/selection process by clearly indicating the purposes for which Keppel Seghers processes your personal data, to whom it is passed on, and what appropriate safeguards are provided in accordance with the applicable legislation relating to the protection of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant data protection legislation.

Every applicant acknowledges having read this policy. Submitting a CV and continuing with the selection process implies acceptance of this policy and the processing of your personal data by Keppel Seghers.

Applicants are obliged to cooperate in good faith in the selection process and to provide all necessary data concerning their professional and educational history when they relate to the nature and terms of the position. Applicants must not disclose confidential information they may have learned in the course of the recruitment and selection process.

By applying at Keppel Seghers, the applicant acknowledges having read this policy and understands how Keppel Seghers processes his or her personal data.
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub

2. Categories of individuals

This policy applies to the following individuals regardless of their nationality or place of residence:
  • Any natural person who, as a result of a job offer, applies with the aim of obtaining the job as described in the job offer.
  • Any natural person who applies spontaneously with the intention of having his/her CV included in a database intended for recruitment and selection.
  • Any natural person whose CV has been passed on to Keppel Seghers by a third party through a recruitment firm or by recommendation. Keppel Seghers will communicate the policy upon first contact with the applicant.

3. Categories of personal data

In the context of the application, and more specifically for the selection process, Keppel Seghers will among others process the following personal data:
  • Identification data such as your name, first name, marital status, address, date of birth, age, and gender;
  • Data relating to studies and training: education, training, diplomas, certificates;
  • Work-related information: current position and responsibilities, previous positions and professional experience, date of departure, reason for departure, employment conditions and gross salary, salary expectations, skills and expertise;
  • Data relating to mobility (driver’s license, transport options);
  • Data arising from knowledge and competency tests: these data are only collected if your CV, after an initial analysis, is suitable for the position;
  • Data obtained from a possible personality test: these data are only processed if your CV is retained for the sought-after profile;
  • Our website uses cookies that may process your personal data such as IP address, navigation on the website, etc. For more information about the processing of your personal data through cookies, you can refer to our internet and cookie policy.
Keppel Seghers strives to obtain all information relevant to recruitment directly from the applicant. If deemed necessary by Keppel Seghers, and only with your consent, Keppel Seghers may contact one or more previous employers to inquire about you and your work experience.

Keppel Seghers will not request certified copies of diplomas, certificates or attestations from the applicant before the signing of an employment contract. If the applicant has added documents to their application, such as transcripts or copies of diplomas, certificates, photos, etc., Keppel Seghers will keep these for a reasonable period if he is rejected. In case of doubt about the authenticity of the submitted or sent copies, Keppel Seghers may ask the applicant to submit the original document.

Keppel Seghers will only ask questions about private life that are relevant due to the nature and terms of the position.
It is possible that in certain cases sensitive personal data will be processed, but this will always be limited to the minimum. In any case, Keppel Seghers will not process so-called ‘sensitive’ personal data (such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sexual orientation, etc.) during the recruitment process.

Keppel Seghers will also not process the extract from the central criminal register (previously: proof of good conduct and morals). However, you may be asked to bring the extract from the central criminal register, solely for inspection and to return without processing it.

4. Purposes and legal bases for processing

Keppel Seghers will only collect and process your personal data to the extent necessary for the purposes of recruitment and selection. The processed personal data are proportionate to the position to be filled and are limited to the data necessary to assess to what extent your motivation, knowledge, skills, competencies, and experiences match the profile of the vacant position for which you are applying or may be considered.

Keppel Seghers processes the above personal data based on different legal grounds as listed in Art. 6(1)(a), (b), (c), and (f) and Art. 9(2)(b) of the GDPR:
  • You have given your explicit consent.
  • For example: forwarding of the CV.
  • For example: inclusion in a recruitment reserve as further explained below.
  • The processing is necessary to take steps prior to entering into an employment contract between you and Keppel Seghers to facilitate, among other things, the smooth onboarding of your employment.
  • For example: preparation of the employment contract
  • The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the company is subject;
  • For example: creation of a certificate of attendance for VDAB, Actiris, Forem at the request of the applicant.
  • The processing of your data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of Keppel Seghers in conducting a proper assessment of your application, provided that the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the applicant do not prevail.
  •  For example: forwarding your contact details to centres that conduct tests or trials, processing the results of tests or trials, forwarding your data to other services or affiliated companies that may be interested in your profile.

5. Processing of your personal data

a. General

The recruitment procedure and related data processing at Keppel Seghers begin when:
  • You apply for a specific position
  • You apply spontaneously
  • A third party recommends you (e.g., recruitment agency, KSBE employee).
Keppel Seghers utilises various channels to find the right person for a vacancy. This can be through its own website, but also through third parties such as social media (LinkedIn, Facebook), job websites or recruitment and selection agencies. For certain roles or profiles, Keppel Seghers may engage a specialised agency to find a suitable candidate.

If your CV is processed by these third parties, it is advisable to read their terms and conditions and privacy policy to ensure how they handle your personal data. Keppel Seghers cannot be held liable for how these third parties handle your personal data, nor for the content published on their websites.
Keppel Seghers asks you to verify the accuracy and completeness of your data and to contact us if any changes have occurred or when you no longer have an interest in a job at our firm during the selection process.

b. Specific Processing During the Selection Procedure

In the first phase of the selection process, Keppel Seghers analyses your CV to determine whether it meets the requirements of the position.

Applicants who do not meet the requirements and whose CVs will not be considered further will be notified in writing. Personal data and CVs of applicants not selected will not be stored further in our database. If a particular profile is of interest, Keppel Seghers may ask if your data can be retained for a future talent pool where you have the option of accepting this or not.

Keppel Seghers will elaborate the results of these tests and/or assessments orally or in writing, giving you the opportunity to express your comments and experiences.

Candidates who meet the requirements of the position but are not selected will be informed within a reasonable period. The data of applicants who are not further considered will no longer be retained. If a profile is of interest, Keppel Seghers may ask if your data can be retained for a future talent pool where you have the option of accepting this or not.

6. Recipients of your personal data

Keppel Seghers may need to process your personal data in the context of your recruitment and selection both internally and externally. Access to your personal data is limited to those persons with a function that requires the processing of such information and will in principle be transferred only on on a need-to-know basis to the recipients carrying out the various processes for the above-mentioned purposes.

a. Internally

The Human Resources department will process your personal data as part of your recruitment and selection procedure and will thus have access to the personal data as listed in article 3.
In the context of the selection, the manager of the department where the vacancy is available will also have access to your personal data as part of the application process to assess the suitability of your profile within the company and the specific department (role, work experience, education, etc.).

b. Externally

Keppel Seghers is compelled to share your personal data with various external companies that provide services, such as agencies specialising in recruitment and selection that propose candidates, conduct initial interviews, and carry out personality and competency tests.
These companies are directly under the legal obligations of the GDPR. This implies that your personal data will be protected by these organisations in accordance with the obligations imposed by the GDPR.
Sometimes the employer is also required to share your personal data with government agencies, always ensuring that the (legal) conditions for doing so are met.

c. Transfer to Third Countries

It is also possible that we transfer your personal data to other companies within Keppel Ltd, located in Singapore and therefore outside the European Economic Community.

Such a transfer is possible if the country where the recipient is based offers sufficient legal safeguards to protect your personal data and has been deemed adequate by the European Commission.

In other cases, Keppel Seghers has entered into a standard contractual clause with the recipient to provide protection equivalent to that in Europe.
If you would like more information or a copy of the safeguards for these international transfers of your personal data, you can always follow the procedure as described in article 8 (“Your Rights”).

7. Retention period

The employer processes your personal data as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which we need it. We apply different retention periods depending on the context of the selection process.

a. Application for a specific vacancy

The Human Resources department will retain your personal data processed in our recruitment and selection procedure for a period necessary for the processing of your application.

Keppel Seghers will retain your personal data for a maximum period of 24 months after the vacancy has been filled. This allows the company to still contact you in case the selected person is ultimately not hired or if it is decided to terminate this collaboration early.

b. Talent pool

If Keppel Seghers has selected a third party for a particular position, but your profile may be interesting for a similar or different position within the company, it wishes to contact you in the future for a vacancy that may interest you. Keppel Seghers will keep your profile for 24 months. You always have the option to refuse this proposal in which case Keppel Seghers will erase your personal data.

c. Spontaneous application

Every CV sent through a spontaneous application will be retained for a period of 24 months.

d. Employment

In the event of a hiring, the processing of your personal data by Keppel Seghers will be necessary for personnel management and payroll administration, and the processing will be necessary for the execution of the employment contract, the compliance with Keppel Seghers’ legal obligations, and Keppel Seghers may invoke its legitimate interest. At the latest at the time of employment, you will be further informed about the processing of your personal data by Keppel Seghers in the context of personnel management and payroll administration.

e. Place of retention and request for deletion

Your personal data will be stored on the server of Keppel Seghers which provides sufficient guarantees to protect your personal data.

If you wish, you can submit an explicit request to remove your CV before the end of this retention period by following the procedure as described in article 8.

8. Your rights

Keppel Seghers tries to provide as much information as possible through this policy to be as transparent as possible about the processing of your personal data during a recruitment and selection procedure.

However, you have the right to inspect your personal data (file) or to request a copy, to have your data corrected or erased if they turn out to be incorrect or incomplete, and in some cases, to have the processing of it restricted.

Where applicable, you can also request the transfer of your data to another data controller. The exercise of these rights must be in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

To the extent that the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This withdrawal will only affect the future.

You can exercise your rights – and as long as these are within the conditions as described in the applicable legislation (GDPR), Keppel Seghers will comply – by sending an email to

If you believe that your rights have been violated, you also always have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

9. Safeguards

Keppel Seghers attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data and therefore takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data and in particular to protect them against loss, alteration, or unauthorised access.

Accordingly, Keppel Seghers limits access rights to your personal data to those services and/or individuals for whom access is required to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes, such as the Human Resources department and the managers of a particular function. It is also ensured that only those personal data required to achieve the more specific purposes are transferred. These access restrictions reduce the risks of loss or unauthorised access to the personal data.

The individuals who have access to the personal data have received or will receive training in the processing of personal data and how to handle your personal data and are bound by confidentiality clauses to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

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