

Synced for success

From concept to kilowatts: The key role of our proposal teams

Our Proposals team concentrates on the technical aspects of our waste-to-energy bids, carefully crafting solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our approach is one of active engagement in discussions, advocating for the solutions that we believe are most effective.
In close collaboration with other key departments—Engineering, Procurement & Quality, and Business Development—we strive to ensure that our quotes are competitive while maintaining the highest quality. This interdepartmental teamwork is crucial in delivering proposals that not only meet the technical requirements but also align with strategic business goals and market demands.
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub
Our role is multifaceted: we are the technical experts, the client-facing advocates, and the coordinators ensuring that each proposal stands out in the competitive landscape. Through this synergy, we deliver value to our clients and drive the success of our waste-to-energy projects.

Our projects touch the lives of millions globally, without prejudiceor favoritism

Our work in the realm of waste-to-energy (WTE) initiatives extends far beyond mere infrastructure development; it impacts lives on a profound scale, reaching countless individuals around the world. In the intricate web of modern energy, our projects stand as beacons of impartial progress, providing power without partiality or preference.
The electricity generated through our WTE plants courses through the grid, becoming a silent yet powerful testament to equality in resource distribution. It lights up homes, powers businesses, and supports communities without regard for who they are or where they come from. The fruits of our labor are thus shared universally, contributing to a sustainable ecosystem where every individual connected to the grid benefits from cleaner, more responsible energy solutions.
In this way, our commitment transcends the physical aspects of energy production, embedding social responsibility into the very current that energizes our world. It’s a commitment to not just environmental stewardship, but to equitable access, ensuring that the advantages of our sustainable practices are as far-reaching as the grid itself. This is the heart of our mission: to foster a world where progress is measured not only by the energy we create, but by the lives we uplift.
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub

Driving success in Proposal Management? 

Keppel Seghers Belgium offers the ultimate dual advantage: nurturing a lasting career and mastering your field, all while contributing to a sustainable future for the next generations.


Discover more about what drives Keppel Seghers and the WTE industry.
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub
Keppel Seghers Belgium, Belgian Engineering and Technology Hub